Official Luthiers Forum!

Pottery Wheel?
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Author:  nitromusic [ Sun Jan 30, 2011 10:43 am ]
Post subject:  Pottery Wheel?


Recently I purchased some overstock from a guitar factory in the region.
Included was an electric pottery wheel with a radiused disk sander installed.
Would this be a useful tool in my shop for building acoustic?

Thanks for any insite

Author:  Beth Mayer [ Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pottery Wheel?

Your post is really timely for me, because I was just brainstorming a way to make using radiused disks easier (I like the arm workout but only to a point), and came up with the idea of finding and repurposing a pottery wheel for that. I was going to drill for metal posts which would fit in holes drilled into the back of the disk to hold the disk as it spins. Obviously I haven't done it yet, but think it would work really well. One thing, it will likely throw up a lot of dust, so have dust collection hood set up, or in my case, live in Tucson where such things can be done outside most days.

Good luck, Beth

Author:  Beth Mayer [ Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pottery Wheel?

...oh, and welcome to the OLF. BTW, I lived and worked in Dousman just East of Jefferson for 15 years until 2 years ago when we moved to Tucson. Have motorcycles through your neck of the woods many's beautiful there. Stay warm!

Author:  nitromusic [ Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pottery Wheel?

Thanks Beth
I build solid bodies at this time, but will be starting on acoustics this coming year - I repair acoustics at this time and I'm ready to take the plunge with flat tops.
I'd rather be in a different climate, but the spring, summer, and fall months are outstanding.

Author:  jac68984 [ Mon Feb 07, 2011 5:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pottery Wheel?

Should work awesome provided the speed is adjustable to work where you need it. You can use it to quickly sand a radius into the rims of the sides to fit the radius used on the top or back. Just don't let it get away from you and sand one side too much more than the other (although some luthier charge more for a wedge shaped guitar). Good luck.

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